Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Cover Wednesdays are round again. Same crappy title...

Right, i've been at work today, i'm tired, stressed, confused, and, my head hurts muchly. So lets just do this, heh.
We're back to cover wednesday again, yes, the snappy names continue, and so do the amazingly original themes?! You dont HAVE to read my blog! Sod off! Heh.
Todays covers are... Hang on, iv forgotten what they are. Well, this is a good start. *checks*
Okay, the first track i'm sure many of you will have already, but it's for the deprived few. Nickelback are a widely discredited band, and i've never really understood why. A lot of people really didn't like their huge hit How You Remind Me. What didn't help was them releasing the similar-musically Someday. HOWEVER. What a lot of people seem to fail to realise is that they were not the only singles! It's the radios choice which singles they play, and the soft rock tunes are what they went for. The fact is there's a lot more to Nickelback, and their albums reflect this in their mixture of soft and harder rock. Theres been a nice blend on all of their albums to date. However my personal favourite from the lot has been The Long Road from which Someday was released. It really was a great album, with such a variety of songs from the really hyper opening track Flat on the Floor, to the soft laid back Someday, right throw to the lovely heavy Thorw Yourself Away. It really works for them. The track i'm offering here, is one of the 3 (yes THREE) bonus tracks found on the limited edition digi-pack version of the album. It's a cover of the Elton John classic, and, just, really has the perfect feel in this incarnation. Just give it a try, and you'll see what i mean. Now lets go out and get WASTED! :P

# Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting) - Nickelback

The second track [having actually had to just look to see what i'd uploaded :(] is an album featured cover track from the insanely and i mean INSANELY under-rated Cake. The song most likely heard, depending on your film viewing perferences, is the song that got me into the band, Comfort Eagle, which was featured in the film Shallow Hal, and was also to be heard played over the credits at the end. A muchly rockin song. But that's not what you get today!
Today, you get to hear a fantastic remake of a real classic song. You can hate the original if you want, but, don't hate this. It's a much more, well, emotional version of the song i think. At least, more relatable. Okay, so, less singing out loud with a hairbrush, but, im trying to cut down.

# I Will Survive - Cake

1 comment:

  1. ... I prefer the original...

    I mean, I can see the appeal the cover might have... But its too disjointed and devoid of flow for my tastes. :(
