Monday, December 05, 2005

Acoustic Monday's round again

So, here we are. A whole week in to this blog, and, yea. I hope everyones at least in part liking my choices so far :P You'll now notice that last weeks Acoustic tracks have now been removed due to me needing the webspace! So that will probably follow through as a rule of thum, songs staying up only a week.

Now, this first track is one i've been sharing with people as much as possible. I randomly came across it whilst searching for acoustic songs online, listed as being Janes Addiction. After rapid investimigation, i soon found a couple of more reliable sources indicating it to be a version of Blind Melon's No Rain, in the form of a live acoustic also featuring Dave Matthews Band. I'm not ENTIRELY sure about this, but it's always hard to find out for certain stuff like this from random fairly unknown recordings. The point is however, it's a gorgeous song. It really really works, and is just so beautiful.
"And all i can do is read a book to stay awake, everyday it rips a little of my life away, but it's a great escape"
As far as i'm aware this song is unreleased, due to the sheer lack of information i've really been able to find out about it. Any further info would be as always muchly appreciated!

# No Rain (live acoustic) - Dave Matthews Band Ft. Blind Melon

To go with this today, i wanted to pick one of my many acoustic tracks that i feel really changes the song. I don't just mean "oh that sounds better in acoustic", but one that really changes the whole feeling and meaning to a song. I think my all time favourite along these lines, has to be the following b-side to the Ocean Avenue single by Yellowcard. The original is a very powerful angry song, where as there's such a new depth and subtlety to this version. Yellowcard do have a lot of beautifully written songs, don't jsut write them off as "the band with the violin".

# Way Away (acoustic) - Yellowcard


  1. No, they're that kickass band that most people dont realise ahs violin because theyre stupid. :-p

    I had to point out the violin-ness to eddie o.O

  2. sorry, dont think we pointed out the simple KICKASS part of the band quite enough! :P

    loving the acoustic-ness
