Sunday, February 26, 2006

Songs of the week

So this week has been my first proper week of being back into music after being ill. I spent most of my 'recovery' time reading and watching stuff. Being unable to jump around sing and dance to my music made it mostly crappy. However, i've thrown myself back into my musical realm of happiness with a vegence, and, YAY! This week has been a very bouncy pop-punky kinda week with a lot of One:Day:Life and Fall Out Boy and such.
Anyway, here's my three pick's from my "can't get enough" songs this week.

# Attractive Today - Motion City Soundtrack

I prefer this to The Future Freaks Me Out. I could stop there. It's AMAZING. It's such a great tune, the lyrics are the best MCS i've heard, although the entire Commit This To Memory is written to a high standard. Just BRILLIANT bouncy jiggy-ness. I think it won me with "I'm also fed up with the fucking common cold" hehe. It's just, yea. It really is like when i first heard TFFMO, but, more so?! I love you Motion City Soundtrack!

"As i sip this drink, i think about my lack of future, and all the places i could learn to fall in love"

# Animals - Nickelback

My current favourite track off All The Right Reasons, it's a muchly rocky song, and i just love the 'story'. It's the entertaining use of metatphor without damaging the spirit of the song. A lot of "sex" styled songs do that and it's a shame, but i really like the descriptions and stuff in this. And no i don't mean i like perving over the idea of car blow-jobs, but, it's just, it makes me smile. As with most Nickelback rockin songs, i find it so easy to get lost in too.

# Daylight Robbery - Imogen Heap

The third track to feature in this blog from miss Heap's Speak For Yourself [track list is WRONG, see import version for correct] and definately the most rocky number from it. I love listening to the intro muchly loud, it sounds fantastic! It really is a great album and if you like any of the tracks from it, then i'm pretty sure you'll adore the rest.

On a slight tangent as well, i decided to do a playlist of some of what i'd like to be played at Monday Night Zest on my MySpace blog last night. Hehe. I need to get out more... Like tomorrow to aforementioned ZEST :D

1 comment:

  1. All good choices, and I see you spread the word of Cheer Up while i was away SEEING that band.

    Good man, I must by you drink.
