Thursday, February 02, 2006

Get in to: Audio Bullys

Shot You Down was not a good song, hehe. I wasnt traumatised after waiting for so long for the second Bullys album, to then hear that as the advanced first single. But, then i heard the rest and was happier. What started my love was Ego War. Most people know The Things, and possibly We Don't Care, but there was a lot more to the album, it was a solid piece of continous good quality.

# 100 Million - Audio Bullys

This song is still probably my favourite off that album, with a muchly entertaining theme "If i had the time, i'd spend a little more with you. And if i had a hundred million then i'd probably give half to you..."
It's just a well written little number that'll get you 'singing' along =) Or of course you'll hate it. But that's caus you suck. Heh.

# If You Want My Love - Audio Bullys

I got an advanced copy of Generation which included this track and Rock 'Til I'm Rollin', neither of which actually seem to have been released on the album proper (despite silly claiming they were on there, i'll have my refund *thankyou*) which i've found to be a huge dissapointment because they're probably thw two best new songs i've heard. That's not to say Generation isn't good, but, given the choice i'd start off with Ego War. It's cheaper too, you can usually pick it up in hmv for a fiver. Bargain!

# Out Of Space (Audio Bullys remix) - The Prodigy

Remember this single? It was a double a-side that came with the Pendulum remix of Voodoo People, which is a rockin track. But yea, the Bullys are as much dj's as artists themselves, similar to Soulwax. As a random little bonus, this is, as noted, their remix of Out of Space.

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